You may or may not have noticed my lack of posts compared to previous periods where I posted 4-5 times a week. Unfortunately getting a MSc degree isn't as easy as BSc so I'm drowning in school work, and honestly lacking the motivation in everything (including blogging, commenting and reading) atm. I wish I was as kick-a as people who have their own families, go to school/work and still manage to be flawless in this community, but nope. Right now I feel like this blog is more of a chore than something I do for fun, so I'm taking a break by tryig to ace all the school stuff, making Spotify lists, hanging out with friends, going to the movies and reading without obsessing over "when will I ever get around writing this review because I'm so darn behind ugh". I don't want to hear that line in my head.

I want to be stress free and look at a book all "ooooh la la, you look mighty fine, bae; I want to take you on a date, devour you, ship your ships and get all the feels"

Now that's more like it! Hopefully this will happen and I'll learn to enjoy books this way again and more 5 star reads will happen too. Anyhow, will probably be back sometime at the end of October (if things go well) or beginning of November (with my Addicted After All review, because that's bound to happen no matter what).
I'm still on twitter (what is life without twitter, yo), instagram, goodreads, tumblr and basically everywhere else except for this blog. I'll try and slowly comment back for every comment left under my Afterworlds review, but be patient with me. I hope you won't forget about me during this (very necessary) hiatus and come talk to me on twitter when you have time.
With all my love,