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Mida ma filmist arvasin? Hollywoodilik. Jah, hollywoodilik
ja tüüpiline märulikomöödia, aga naerda sai kõvasti. Praktselt terve saal
naeris iga viie minuti tagant ja olin rõõmus, et kõik paremad stseenid ei
esinenudki treileris, vaid oli põhjust ka üllatuda.
Film pakkus nii meelelahutust kui ka silmailu, sest Reese
Witherspoon on kindlasti kena väljanägemisega, Tom Hary’st ja Chris Pine’ist
pole mõtet rääkidagi. Ainuüksi Tom Hardy aktsent annab filmile boonuspunkte.
Sisu filmil oli, aga samas ei olnud ka. Nagu ütlesin, oli
see tüüpiline märulikomöödia ja erilist filosoofiat või elutarkust filmist
otsida ei tasu. Lõpp oli minu jaoks ootamatu. Lugesin, et linateose lõpp
filmiti kolmes variandis: Witherspooni karakter lahkus emma-kumma mehega ja
kolmas variant hõlmas endas sõprade leppimist ja naise üksinda jätmist. Mina
(ja ka mu kaaslased) ei arvanud, et film nii lõppeb ja mingil määral olin
pettunud, aga samas oli see mõnus vaheldus, sest Hollywoodist väljutatud
projektid on üldjuhul väga etteaimatavad.
Jällegi mõnus film sõpradega õhtul
vaatamiseks: nalja sai, actionit oli
ja peaosades mängivad ilusad inimesed. Muideks, Chelsea Lately’t oli toredas
mõttes imelik (kui see üldse võimalik on) suurel ekraanil vaadata, tema loomulik
sarm ja karisma paistsid välja.
Usually I know which movie I’m
going to see and I’ve watched the tralier before and thought that I must see
this movie. Like now! But this wasn’t the here. On an ordinary Monday
night one of my friends called and asked if I’d like to go to the movies to see "This Means War". I’d
seen the trailer and it seemed cool, but I was afraid that all the best parts
were already shown in the trailer.
My musings? Like everything in
Hollydood. Jep. It was a typical comedy full on action, but there were plenty of
parts to laugh about. Almost everyone was laughing and I was extremely glad
that they didn’t show all the cool parts in the trailer. I was suprised.
The movie was entertaining and there was plenty of beauty on
the screen: Reese Witherspoon is quite pretty and there’s no need to even start
about Tom Hardy or Chris Pine. Oh, and Tom Hardy’s accent gives bonus points.
For real!
The story was quite okay. As I said, it was a typical action
filled comedy and there wasn’t anything philosophical or wise in the movie. The
ending was quite unexpected. I read that they made three endings for it:
Witherspoon chose either Pine’s or Hardy’s character and the third option was
that the guys made up and left her by herself. I (and my friends) didn’t think
it would end like this and on one hand I was dissapointed by it, but on the
other hand I was glad that I was suprised. Usually everything that comes out of
Hollywood is pretty much predictable.
Again, a movie to watch with a
bunch of friends: funny, full of action, beautiful people. By the way, it was
weird in a good way to watch Chelsea Lately on the big screen, her natural charisma
is great.
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