Monday, January 2, 2012

Leighton Meester

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Olen üpriski kindel, et paljud on kas ise vaadanud või vähemalt midagi kuulnud sarjast „Gossip Girl“, mis räägib New Yorgi rikaste noorte elust. Algselt keskenduti rohkem Blake Lively tegelasele Serenale, kuid vaatajate poolehoidu võitis tema parim sõber/vaenlane Blair Waldorf, keda kehastab andekas Leighton Meester.

Leighton on 25-aastane nätilejatar ja laulja. Just tema lauljakarjäärist tahtsin kirjutada. Ma ei ütleks, et ta on megasuperstaar nagu Beyoncé või Lady Gaga ning hääleulatuse poolest pole ta kindlasti Adele ega ka Mariah. Enamik teavadki vaid tema nägu „Gossip Girli“ plakatitelt, reklaamidest või sarjast, aga üldjuhul ei seostata tema nime muusikamaailmaga. Olgem ausad, tema suurem läbilöök selles valdkonnas saabus hoopiski koostöös bändiga Cobra Starship, kelle loos „Good Girls Go Bad“, mida saatis ülemaailmne edu, ka Leighton kaasa teeb.
Tunnistan, et päris paljudest tema enda lugudest ma palju ei pea, ent mõned on siiski pilku (või peaksin äkki ütlema kõrva) püüdnud. Kõige enam naudin tema esitust Check In The Darkiga ühel live-showl, mis toimus 2011. aasta suvel, kus nad esitasid pala „The Stand In“. Võluv ja intiimne esitus ning miks mitte seda siin ka teiega jagada :)

Ja kuna lubasin artistide kohta ka fakte esitada, siis mõned faktid:
  • Leighton on suurema osa elust elanud NYC’s ja LA’s, ent sündis hoopiski Texases ja kasvas üles Floridas
  • Ta on võitnud 2 Teen Choice Awardi ja ühe Hollywood Awardi
  • Ta mängib kitarri
  • Moelooja Vera Wang valis Leightoni hiljuti enda parfüümi Lovestruck reklaaminäoks

I’m pretty sure a lot of you have either watched or at least heard of a show called „Gossip Girl“, which is about a bunch of privileged young adults living in NYC. At first, the show focused more on Blake Lively’s character Serena, but due to a huge sucsess in fanbase, it has moved towards Blair Waldorf (blayed by the talented Leighton Meester), best friend/occasional enemy of Serena,  being in the centre of attention.
Leighton is a 25-year old actress, singer. And I wanted  to talk about her singing career. I wouldn’t claim that she’s a megasuperstar like Beyoncé or Gaga and her voice range definitely isn’t as great as Adele’s or Mariah’s. The majority of people know her face from „Gossip Girl“ commercials or from the show, but usually don’t associate her name with the music industry. Let’s be honest, her breaktrough in this field was a collaboration with Cobra Starhip and their hit-song „Good Girls Go Bad“ which had a worldwide sucsess.
I must admit, I’m not a big fan of many of her songs, but some of them have catched my eye (or should I say ear). I personally like a song „The Stand In“ the most by her, she performed it at a Check In The Dark concert with them and I was blown away by how wonderful and intimate it sounded.. So why not share it with you guys. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)


And since I promised to add some facts about the arstists I post about, then here are some random facts about her:
  • Although Leighton has lived the most of her life in NYC and LA, she was actually born in Texas and brought up in Florida
  • She’s won 2 Teen Choice Awards and one Hollywood Award
  • She plays a guitar
  • Fashion designer Vera Wang recently picked Leighton as the face of her new fragrance Lovestruck