Lowest and highest ratings... DNF excluded, 1 star (overall rating 1.5) and 5 stars (overall rating 4.6) Pretty good, I must say. Only one 3 star rating and three 4 star ratings. Happy with that.
Book boyfriend of the month... Oh, yikes! My favorite, yet least favorite aspect of the recap. On one hand, yayyy! Book boyfriends equal fangirling and gushing. On the other hand, oh no! I have to pick one. Ok, ok. I have three I want to name, but one is a clear winner: The three being Kaidan (Sweet Peril), Carson (All Lined Up) and the winner of June's Book Boyfriend? Dylan, can we have a drum roll/solo please?

Ben Morris from Five Ways to Fall. Tadaa!
Seriously, guys! This guy is evercharming, hilarious, hottttt and educated. He's sweet, caring, honest and even though a total commitment-phobe, he sure knows how to make women feel good. Just ask Reese ;) He's simply..

Love triangles? Yes, unfortunately. There was a mild one in Five Ways to Fall since it features an ex-husband for the female lead and Ben being the fake boyfriend, but it wasn't that high on the love triangle factor scale (Lauren's rating system for triangles), in my opinion. Now, now. Storm Born, on the other hand, was a totally different story. Let's just say that "ughh, that freakin' love triangle" >.< Do not go anywhere near this series if you want to avoid one!
Suck and sweet? Suck is that I ended up thoroughly disliking a book that absolutely everyone loves. And by everyone, I mean everyone. Not even going to review this book, I think. I've seen what happens to people who dare to express their dislike. Nope, not going to do that to myself. Sweet though? I have two: Finally more than 2000 pages read since March and finally a 5 star read since March. Woooot!!

What I'm planning on reading this month... Not going to make any huge plans, but I will read Heart of Venom by Jennifer Estep since I need to catch up as the 11th book is coming out this month and I only have the 9th to read (10th is the prequel story I'm not really interested in). Annnnd I also want to read Racing Savannah since 1) it was on my top ten summer tbr list; 2) it's summer and Miranda Kenneally is a must! :)
What were your favorite books last month? Any new book boyfriends I should know about? (Or any old crushes returning to the pages you were reading?) ;) How many books did you read? What are you planning on reading this month?
You have a Dylan gif . . . I'm sorry, is there more to this post? BECAUSE I CANNOT STOP STARING AT THAT FOR LONG ENOUGH TO SCROLL DOWN ;)
ReplyDeleteAnnnd ohhhh DNFs. Bad, Siiri. Stop DNFing. You must read all the books, even if they're awful. Kidding. Life is too short for bad books, my friend! I haven't read Crash Into You mostly because I really didn't like Pushing The Limits, so I got all panicked I'd hate the other books and BLAH. Maybe I'll read it one day? WHO KNOWS?! I like to keep things mysterious.
I DON'T KNOW ANY OF YOUR BOOK BOYFRIENDS! Why have you not brought them home to meet me? This is unacceptable. Seriously though, I haven't read any of those books :O
I wasn't a real big fan of The Bone Season either. x) Ugh, it was complex and I just didn't relate to anyone. :| I WANT TO READ CRASH INTO YOU!! Everyone raves and I so saw it at the library...then sternly told myself I had enough books at home. (Seriously, though? Can you EVER have enough books??) I think I read about 15 books and still reading City of Ashes and mildly crushing on Jace. x)
ReplyDeleteOooh, look at all of the lovely reviews I missed while I was on vacay. I have some catching up to do! I hope you enjoy Heart of Venom; I absolutely LOVE Gin Blanco and her crew. Happy 4th of July! :)
ReplyDeleteI really want to check out the Jennifer Estep series :) you read some interesting books. Hope next month is awesome!
ReplyDeleteJune was not a bad reading month for you compared to May LOL nut eight books isn't bad at all! I think i missed a few of your reviews for this month so i'm going to have to go look back and see, especially since i'm curouis on your thoughts on The Bome Season. I'm still debating whether or not to read it!
ReplyDeleteWoo! Sounds like you had a pretty successful book overall last month. 8 books is still pretty good considering all those exams you had to do. I'm sorry about DNF. Also, that love triangle in the Richelle Mead book sounds terrible. It's a good thing I avoid all her adult books.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have an awesome July as well. :D
How did I know who you're favorite book boyfriend would be? Oh that's right, all the gushing on Goodreads. :P I think you've single-handedly convinced me to read that book. But I'm glad you at least mentioned Carson! He's adorable. We need to read Silas' book together.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a fantastic reading month in July, lady!
Love the gifs, I loved Bone Season. Favorite book last month..hmm Come to Me Softly and Close Your Eyes Hold Hands.
ReplyDeleteI read 22 books in June, which I was kind of cross at myself because I normally read 30+ books a month...but oh well, July reading wise is going pretty good so hopefully I'll reach 35 books which is my goal...but we'll see ;)
ReplyDeleteI looooooved The Bone Season!!! But I think you already know that. ;) AND GRAVE MERCYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! *fangirls and flails* I LOVE THAT BOOK SO MUCH. Glad you enjoyed it to, Siiri!! :D (Just wait until you read Dark Triumph the second book...YOUR LIFE WILL END AND YOUR HEART WILL BREAK A THOUSAND TIMES SWEAR.)
Frabjous recap!!
I haven't read The Bone Season yet, but a lot of my trusted blogging buddies (including you!) have found it hard to relate to, so I keep hesitating on picking it up.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's a shame you're in a spree of DNF'ing at the moment! :( I totally know how you feel! Hopefully you'll get back in swing soon!
~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf
Hmmm, favorite books in the month of June. I'd have to say WAY OF KINGS and WORDS OF RADIANCE by Brandon Sanderson. Both 1000+ pages but OMFG it is SO, SO, SO, SO, SO good. I can even say that it beats my previous favorites ( Blood Song, A Monster Calls, Written in Red) combined. That one was just so good. I hope you have better reads this June! <3
ReplyDeleteFaye at The Social Potato Reviews
Oh my lord, Ben Morris!!! Siiri, I just loved Five Ways to Fall so hard! As you know, it was my favorite of the series. I seriously hope K.A. Tucker does a book on one of the Morris siblings!
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering which book you hated that everyone loved? Was it Grave Mercy? I'll have to check. Anyhow, I hated a book everyone loved: Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover, so don't feel bad. I'm still grinding my teeth just thinking about that story. Laruen and I hated it!!
You had a great month! Hope July is just as good. Hope you have fun at Kings of Leon! They're pretty great in concert. I saw them when they were still pretty much unknown at a small venue out in Hollywood. They wore the TIGHTEST skinny pants I have ever seen! O_O Lol! :)
Tut tut. DNFs are the worst. I have a rule this year about not DNFing but I did DNF one book in June *sigh* Ah well..
Wait I am guessing Storm Born was your other love triangle? You know what's worse about that series? She makes her choice and then changes it. BAH HUMBUG.
Anyway, Ben Morris sounds like a sweet heart and I did see you fighting over him with Rachel on twitter(and got to win since her husband wouldn't be so happy otherwise :P).
YAY FOR HEART OF VENOM. I need to catch up on this series too and will.. eventually :P
Anyway, I am glad your month was fabulous, I mean you graduated :D and FINISHED YOUR THESIS! :D but I hope next month is even better since we're going to be watching Disney! :D
Rashika @ The Social Potato
Now that Ben dude seems like someone I should meet *rises eyebrow* Rashika you in? :D You have had a great month of reading and all that with writing your thesis! You rock, girl ;) Also Disney plans are coming along! I cannot wait for us to start! ;) Great post, Siiri :)
ReplyDeleteComing Home sounds like it will be good. Hope you enjoy and have a great coming week.
ReplyDeleteI need to get my hands on FIVE WAYS TO FALL! I don't think an ex-husband is going to bug me, especially as it seems like Ben is the main guy. Also, I want to know which book you HATED that everyone else loved?! I promise I won't be mean to you if I liked it. I will be staying far away from Storm Born. Actually I probably won't read any of Mead's adult books. I don't think I could handle her Succumbus series either. I'm glad that you're DONE with school and can read and relax now. CONGRATULATIONS. You'l have to tell us what your next steps are! More school or working?! Or maybe just reading full time!
ReplyDeleteOh god, do not get me started with the horrific book that is Storm Born. I felt so embarrassed reading it, like I was reading the author's kinky fantasies or something. I can't wait to read Five Ways to Fall, I've heard it is freaking brilliant! Sounds like I need to get to know that book boyfriend of yours ;)
ReplyDeleteSiiri! Which book did you hate that EVERYONE loves?? It couldn't have been Storm Born b/c not enough people have read that to qualify as EVERYONE (I'm guessing that was your 1 star, LOL). So? Tell me, tell me!! *bats eyelashes* Please? Damn curiosity . . . I need to catch up in the Elemental Assassin series too. I think I'm in the exact same place that you are. I've just been putting it off b/c OWEN and scared. Aaaannndddd I've never read anything by Miranda Kenneally. *runs* *hides*
ReplyDeleteI loved Ben from Five Ways to Fall! That was probably my favorite book in the entire series. :) I really need to read a Miranda Kenneally book one of these days! Looks like you had a fantastic month! :)
ReplyDeleteI am currently reading Five Ways to Fall and that is totally because of your tweet! I'm liking so far so let's see how that goes. I looks like you had a great reading month! :)
ReplyDeleteJanhvi @ The Readdicts
Congrats on being a BSc graduate! That's totally a big deal and super awesome c: Looks like all of that hard work has paid off haha. I need to read Sweet Reckoning! I have read the first two books in the series but haven't read the third. I need to see how everything ends. I'm also very curious about the book you dislike but everybody loves. Everybody has a right to a opinion and I'd love to see yours. Personally I enjoy reading different viewpoints than mine, it makes me consider new elements of a story I may have not even noticed.